100s of uninsured cars seized
In an annual bid to remove uninsured drivers from London’s streets, Operation Cubo hits London again (more…)
Uninsured cars seized tops 1 million
The MIB (Motor Insurers Bureau) which holds insurance records for over 34 million vehicles has seized their 1 millionth car. (more…)
Forecourt cameras crackdown on uninsured drivers
Downing Street is in discussions with the large fuel suppliers about commandeering forecourt cameras to catch uninsured drivers (more…)
MET Police crackdown on uninsured drivers
1,000 MET Police officers will be involved in targeting uninsured drivers and seizing vehicles (more…)
Continuous Insurance Enforcement
Regulations have been laid today before parliament to tackle uninsured drivers (more…)
Bradford gets city wide ANPR technology
Bradford has implemented a ‘net’ of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras to deter criminal activity in the city (more…)
Uninsured vehicle offence
Measures to make it an offence to keep an uninsured vehicle have been approved by the Road Safety Minister (more…)