Our Legal Services on Road Traffic Offences

We believe in providing you with as much useful information possible so that you can make an informed decision on where and how best to seek help. If you do have any queries on this then please feel free to call us on 0800 2800 912 to discuss these.

Why use us?

At Motor Defence Solicitors we are all qualified lawyers and some of us having a policing background. In short, we know what to look for and how to ask for it.

Without expert help you are unlikely to know if the police have properly served notice of an intended prosecution on you, complied with the requirements for using speed cameras or whether they have sufficient evidence to prove their case against you.

  • We do not make promises we cannot keep.
  • We provide clear & professional legal advice

In the last few years with the development of new Government initiatives many motorists find themselves at odds with the law. With the current system of accumulated points this can make it very easy to lose your licence in one day. Many people drive for a living and should your points build up you may find that you are in danger of losing your job.

Don’t listen to the man down the pub. Pay no attention to his friend who ‘got away with it.’ Frankly, it is best that you receive expert advice as soon as possible. We can help you in any matter to do with road traffic law and we know how to get results. We will not help you dodge the law but we will defend you by using a combination of outstanding procedural knowledge and second to none levels of experience in this field.

How we work


Provide initial telephone advice (which is confirmed in writing) for a fixed fee with no commitment to take the matter further

On further instruction:

  1. Send out a questionnaire to obtain further information
  2. On receipt of the questionnaire, consider the matter further and advise fully
  3. Negotiate with the prosecution to see if we can get the charges dropped or dismissed
  4. Advise on evidence needed and assist with obtaining this
  5. Advance your defence
  6. Send a properly briefed lawyer to Court to represent you; and
  7. Offer you a specialist professional service at normal solicitors’ rates.

Legal Aid

We are not prepared to work for the low rates paid by the Government for legal aid lawyers. We believe you need a properly qualified and experienced representative looking after you and, to be frank, you get what you pay for. As a result, we do not hold a Community Legal Services franchise in relation to Criminal Defence work and have no plans to apply for one. Should you wish to receive advice on how to apply for Community Legal Services funding you should contact the Court where you are being prosecuted.

To obtain legal aid you need to satisfy both a merits and a means test. This means you must show them that it is serious enough to warrant legal aid and that you cannot afford to contribute to the cost yourself. For most motoring cases (with the exceptions of Dangerous Driving and Causing Death by Dangerous Driving) Legal Aid is not usually available. Should you believe you may qualify for Legal Aid then gov.uk Legal Aid Agency provides information on getting criminal legal aid including links to the relevant forms with guidance and answers to frequent questions.