Intelligent headlights

When driving through torrential rain or snow motorists normally have headlights on, especially at night time sometimes creating a wall of water or snow. (more…)

US Lawmakers inadvertently allow driving with no licence plate

A reorganisation of motor vehicle statutes in Texas, USA, inadvertently removed a line stating that… (more…)

Bus driver mows down snowman

In the US a bus driver has resigned his job after swerving to run over a snowman built in the road (more…)

Police trike revealed

The Police have a new toy in their arsenal, a motorised tricycle (more…)

Watermelon power

US boffins have come up with an ingenious way of powering cars, with watermelons (more…)

US refuse congestion charge

United States ambassadors in London are refusing to pay up the £3 million in congestion charge fines owed (more…)