Police lorries catch out motorists texting whilst driving

Police in South Yorkshire are using an unmarked lorry to get a better view of motorists who may be texting whilst driving (more…)

Motorcyclists escape from overturning lorry

A Chinese motorcyclist escaped an overturning lorry just in the nick of time (more…)

New signs to ease sat-nav woes

Local councils have been given powers to implement appropriate signage without permission from central Government (more…)

Lorry pushes car along A1M, sideways

A lorry driver has been caught on mobile phone video pushing a Renault Clio along the A1M, sideways (more…)

Green lorry driving could cut emissions

Plans from the Transport Minister to provide training for HGV drivers on changing driving style could cut CO2 emissions (more…)

Super Lorries on British roads

Draft European Union proposals could allow lorries weighing 60 tonnes and 82ft long on UK roads (more…)

Shower on the go

A Chinese truck driver has been fined for having a shower whilst driving (more…)