Speed limit exemptions consultation
The Government is currently running a consultation for allowing an extended range of emergency services to be exempt from speed limits (more…)
Public Consultation on Road Death Investigation Policy
ACPO, the Association of Chief Police Officers, is calling for the public to offer their views on reporting serious road traffic accidents (more…)
Classic cars exempt from MOT
Following on from a public consultation a decision has been made on classic car MOT exemption (more…)
Devolution in transport funding
Proposals could see decision making on local transport schemes handed to local transport bodies (more…)
Motorcycle type approval changes
A consultation is open to manufacturers and riders of motorcycles, three wheeled vehicles and quad bikes on proposed EU changes to type approval (more…)
Road signs ask drivers for their view on speed limit
Motorists in Buckinghamshire are being given the opportunity to express their opinion on changes to local speed limits (more…)