New tax disc rules
The DVLA have revised the rules when renewing your tax disc or taxing a vehicle for the first time (more…)
Car security cracked by scientists
A group of British scientists have cracked the codes used to start many luxury car marques (more…)
Summer drink drive campaign launched
THINK! and ACPO are both elevating their efforts to tackle drink driving over the summer months (more…)
Cycle lights brighter than legal maximum
LED bicycle lights have been found to be brighter than car headlights (more…)
Drink driver flips car – video
A driver in Marlow, Bucks flipped his car when he crashed into a front garden. (more…)
Driver found with 19 children in car
South Africa, a teacher was fined after she was found with 19 nursery school children in her car (more…)
Classic cars exempt from MOT
Following on from a public consultation a decision has been made on classic car MOT exemption (more…)
Black box technology for cars
The Department for Transport is working with the motor industry to investigate the use of black boxes in cars (more…)
Hedgehog Vs Ferrari
A motorists in Germany crashed his Ferrari into a barrier whilst avoiding a hedgehog (more…)
Company car tax shorts electric vehicle sales
Amendments to benefits-in-kind taxation on company cars could kill off the UK electric vehicle market (more…)