Quicker processing of road traffic offences

The Minister of State for policing and criminal justice, Nick Herbert, has released plans for reforming the Criminal Justice System

The plans will affect how road traffic offences are processed, especially minor offences which cause delay and waste within the magistrates’ courts. In 2011 over half a million summary motoring offences were proceeded against in magistrates’ courts.

In the majority of road traffic offences offenders plead guilty by post which allows the Police to deal directly with the uncontested cases without involving the Crown Prosecution Service but there is a high proportion of cases that fail to enter a plea by post or attend court, meaning that the process then moves to the CPS.

The Government will work with selected Police forces, courts and the CPS to develop a set of streamlined procedures to allow the Police to continue to prosecute minor road traffic offences with requiring the involvement of the CPS.

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