Road casualties down
The DfT have released statistics of road casualties in Great Britain which show a decrease
The main findings of the statistics compare 2009 with 2008 on all accidents that involve some form of personal injury and that are reported to the Police within 30 days.
The total number of casualties, 222,146, were 4% lower than in 2008. Breakdown by injury:
- 2,222 people were killed, 12 per cent lower than in 2008
- 24,690 were seriously injured (down 5 per cent)
- 195,234 were slightly injured (down 4 per cent)
Failing to look was the largest factor that lead up to a collision, whilst in fatal accidents loss of control was the most frequently reported factor. 58% of pedestrian casualties failed to look. Car drivers were most likely to suffer neck injuries whilst almost 50% of pedestrian and motorcyclist injuries involved damage to the hips or legs.