Record speeding fines

David Coulthard, winner of 13 grand prix, gets a $33,000 speeding fine

The retired Formula 1 driver was in Mumbai in India with the Red Bull racing team on a demonstration run on closed off sections of roadway in front of a crowd of 50,000. Part of the run took him across the Rajiv Ghandi Sea Link Bridge, which has a maximum limit of 62mph and even drops down to 31mph in places. David was clocked at 162mph in the Red Bull Formula 1 car. As a result the local authorities are withholding a $33,000 deposit the team put down to ensure the demonstration went ahead. Other high fines include $71,400 given to a Finnish internet millionaire  for doing 43mph in a 25mph limit. Speeding fines in Finland are based on the severity of the offence and the driver’s income. The director of Nokia was handed down a $103,600 fine for doing 47mph in a 31mph zone in Helsinki on his Harley Davidson in 2002.

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